Claire Rong
J. S. Bach: Italian Concerto mvmt 3
F. Schubert: Impromptu Op. 90 No. 3
M. Ravel: Toccata
Claire Rong, age 12, lives in Vernon Hills, Illinois, USA. She is currently taking piano lessons with Mrs. Sueanne Metz. She has won numerous local, national and international piano competitions. She also has given many public performances around the world. In addition to music, Claire enjoys drawing, reading and traveling.

Samuel Sabbah
D. Scarlatti: sonata in f minor K.481
L.V. Beethoven: Sonata no.6
F. Liszt: Feux follets
F. Chopin: Etude op.10 no.2
Samuel Sabbah (12) is a 1.prize winner in more than 10 international piano competitions. He recently won the prize of the most outstanding piano talent at the future stars competition (http://www.starscompetition.com/). This is what the legendary teacher Arie Vardi says ''His young age notwithstanding, Samuel shows already a most impressive mastering of his instrument alongside a deep musical understanding and above allemotional maturity'

Adrian Gonzalez
W.A. Mozart:Fantasia in D Minor K.397
F. Liszt: Rhapsodie hongroise No. 11

Tzu-Yu Chen
C Koelling: Hungary Rapsodie Mignonne op.410

Ruo Chien Chou
J.S. Bach: Invention No.13 in A minor, BWV 784
W.A. Mozart: Piano Sonata No. 12 in F Major, K. 332 - 1. Allegro
F. Liszt: 3 Etudes de Concert, S.144 - No.2 In F Minor "La leggierezza”
An 11-year-old pianist from Taiwan, has been a piano student at the Music Section of GuTing Elementary School. As an avid performer, Belle has participated in numerous solo, as well as chamber music concerts. When not playing the piano, Belle enjoys gymnastics and ice skating!

Jessi Lin
F. Liszt: Liebestraum No. 3 in A-flat Major
W.A. Mozart: Piano Sonata No. 12 in F Major, Op. 6 No. 3, K. 332: III. Allegro assai
Jessi started the piano at age 7 together with the violin. She loves music and her dream is to become a famous pianist and composer to give a lot of beautiful music to people. She is more serious in piano because she thinks the piano is like the orchestra.

L.V. Beethoven: Fur Elise
W.A. Mozart: Rondo Alla Turca
L.V. Beethoven: Six Ecossaises WoO 83
Aurel is an 11 year old boy, born October 13, 2009 in Prizren, Kosovo. Nowadays he is attending 4’th grade at “Lorenc Antoni” Music School with piano professor Ilirjana Rekathati, also additional classes from piano professor Lejla Pula. He participated in a various competitions and concerts during the 4 year period.

Riola Susuri
R. Korsakov : Flight of Bumblebee
S. Gjoni : Lirikë Pranverore
M. Moszkowski: Etyde op 72 NO 2 in g minor
J.S. Bach: Bwv 974 Adagio
E.Grieg: Peer Gynt - Anitra's Dance
My name is Riola Susuri, i was born in Zhur (Prizren) on the 1 September 2009. I live with my parents and my younger sister. Actually i'm student at lower secondary school '' EMIN DURAKU'' class I-Vl continue 2021 in Prizren and high school of music ''LORENC ANTONI'' class I-V continue 2021. My passion is music so i decided to study piano.I speak english language very well, i speak and write very well and the levels i passed are A1 and A2. During my music education i have participated in many piano competitions both local and international and have received many awards such as 1st PRIZE -OHRID PEARLS, 2020 OHER. -1st PRIZE - CHARIVNI FANTAZII, 2020 UKRAINE

Yu-Chien, Wang
Glinka/Balakirev: The Lark
J. Haydn: Piano Sonata in D major, Hob XVI 37
I am Yu-Chien, Wang from Taiwan. I have been learning piano since I was 5 years old with my mother who is a Piano teacher, and other teachers as well. I like to play piano and share wonderful music. Hope you will enjoy the music I played.

Antea Gashi
I. Albeniz: Rumores De La Caleta- Malaguena
J.S. Bach : Invention 8 in F.major, BWV 779
W.A. Mozart : Viennese Sonatina No:1 in C - l Movement
My name is Antea Gashi and I am from Prizren , Kosovo. I am ten years old, and a fourth grade student of piano, in Music School SHMLM "Lorenc Antoni" in Prizren. I am a winner of several prizes: - 1st prize ' Junior Talent' 2019, Tirana Talent , Albania - 1st prize, school level 'National Program of Youth', National Coordinator For Culture Youth And Sport' 2019, Prishtine , Kosovo, 11 April 2019 - 1st prize, regional level 'National Program of Youth', National Coordinator For Culture Youth And Sport' 2019, Prishtine , Kosovo, 26 April 2019 - 2nd prize 'Junior Talent' 2020, Tirana Talent, Albania I have attended many school concerts, town, region and National piano eveniments, organized in Kosovo and Albania. In attachment you will find my photo, and also piano certificates and diplomas. Best regards from me, Antea from Kosovo

Aurora Ahmetaj
W.A. Mozart: Viennese Sonatina No.1 in c - 5th Movement
J.S. Bach: Prelude in F major, BWV 927
D Kabalevski: Scherzo op. 27
I am Aurora Ahmetaj from Prizren, I am in the fourth grade at the music school 'Lorenc Antoni'. I have a passion for music, especially the piano. I have participated in other competitions and I want to challenge myself with my peers. With love Aurora.

Ana Sofia Chereches
J.S. Bach : Siciliano BWV 1031
S. Prokofiev : Sonata No. 3, Op. 28
”Ana Sofia is a talented sixth grade Romanian student at George Enescu National Musical College, under the guidance of Professor Gabriela Stepan. She has been awarded with many prizes at national and international piano competitions and performed on several prestigious Romanian stages.” Best regards,

Lilia Zhou / Yu
J.S. Bach: Invention d minor BWV 775
L.V. Beethoven: Sonatina F major , 2 movement
C. Nielsen: from Humoreske-begateller op.11 - Hello! Hello!, Puppet March
My name is Lilia Zhou Yu, I am 12 years old, coming from Denmark. I love playing piano, starting from 8 years old. Piano makes me know more people, history, and culture all over the world, therefore I' d like to take this chance attending this Elevato Piano Competition.

Arianna Castellani
F. Chopin: Op. 25 n.1
M.Glinka/G. Balakirev: "The Lark"
F. Listz: "Le Rossignol"
S. Prokofiev: "Prelude in C Major "Harp" Op. 12 n.7"
Arianna Castellani lives in San Donà di Piave (Venice) and study with Maestro Francesca Vidal. From when she was six, she won 22 absolute first prizes and 15 first prizes in many national and international competitions.

Akshara Balaji
J.S. Bach: Invention
W.A. Mozart: Rondo Alla Turca
L.V. Beethoven: Moonlight Sonata
F. Chopin: Nocturne C Minor Opus posth
E. Satie: Gymnopedie No. 1
Akshara has been learning piano for 4 years. She is passionate about music. She loves to explore various genres, her favorites being western and Indian classical. Her hobbies are reading and biking.

Michael Song
P. Tchaikovsky: mazurka
M. Clementi: Sonatina no. 1 Op. 36 - 3. Vivace
A. Eshpai : Game
My name is Michael Song and living in Denmark. I have been learning piano for a couple of years with teacher Maria Eshpai from Russia, and I love piano.

Alexia Loreley Bothe
J.S. Bach: Prealudium
F. Chopin: Waltz in A minor
S. Bortkiewicz : The angel
Born in 2010 in New York City, USA, Alexia started learning the piano shortly before her 6 th birthday. Through her lessons she had the opportunity to participate in recitals at the renowned Steinway Hall. While she is enjoying playing Chopin, her favorite piece for the piano is “The Angel” by Sergei Bortkiewicz. Alexia is very excited to participate in the Elevato piano competition.

Tang Chun Lau
A. Copland: The Cat and The Mouse
A. Copland: Rondo: No.1 from Three Rondos on Folk Tunes

Emmie Guo
L.V. Beethoven: Sonata in C Major, Op 2 No. 3I. Allegro con brio
F. Chopin: Etude in C sharp Minor, Op. 10 No. 4
Emmie Guo, age 11, student of Sueanne Metz, recently performed with Kostroma Orchestra in Russia and with Oistrakh Symphony in Chicago. She was the proud winner of the Grand Prix at Carmel Klavier International piano Competition, and the 1st Place and Judges’ Distinction Award at The American Protégé International Competition of Romantic Music.

Hiroshi Corro
W.A. Mozart: Sonata K545 - 3rd movement
A.Copland: The Cat and the Mouse
Hiroshi is the 3rd grade in Durham elementary school. He started playing piano when he was 3 yrs old. Since he was 6 yrs old, he participated and won many piano competitions. He got the outstanding gold medalist award 2 times in US open music competition. He won the third place in USIMC concerto division in 2020. He recently won the first place in US new star piano competition. He also won the first place in Ranun piano competition in Japan 2021. Besides piano, he plays violin. Hiroshi speaks Japanese and Spanish fluently. When he doesn’t play piano, he likes skateboarding/playing video games with his siblings and friends.

Sora Corro
W.A. Mozart: Sonata K333 1st movement
F. Liszt: Gnomenreigen
Sora is 5th grade in Durham elementary school. She started playing piano when she was 2 yrs old. Since she was 4 yrs old, she participated and won many piano competitions. She got the outstanding gold medalist award 3 times in US open music competition. She won the first place in Gavilan college junior piano competition and east bay music festival in 2021. She was also the finalist of the Palo Alto philharmonic orchestra concerto competition and the 2nd alternate of MTAC concerto competition. Besides piano, she plays violin. She speaks Japanese and Spanish fluently. When she doesn’t play piano, she enjoys skateboarding/playing video games with her brothers and friends.
Junyuan(Jeremy) Liu
J.S. Bach: French Suite No. 6 in E major, BWV 817
F. Chopin: Grande Valse Brillante, Op. 18
Jeremy started to study piano at 5 years old. He is a student of Mrs. Sueanne Metz. Jeremy has won prizes in several local and international competitions. His favorite composer is Chopin.

Klara Gibisova
J. S. Bach: Dvouhlasá invence č. 8 F dur
F. Chopin: Fantazie Impromptu cis moll, op. 66
J. Haydn: Sonata Hob XVI:37 in D dur - mov.1
Klara Gibisova was brought to music by her older sisters who played the flute and clarinet. Klara started playing children's songs and carols in her age of less than three years old. In June 2014 she was taken up by a professor Tatana Vejvodova. From one lesson per week she gradually added more and more private lessons which directed her to the first concerts and competitions. Since September 2015 she has been a pupil of the Art School of Ilja Hurnik, with the intensive care of the professor Vejvodova. In her free time, she also does dubbing and she likes reading.

Plieva Alana
L.C. Daquin: Le coucou
F. Chopin: Variations E-major op.posth.
Born in 2011 in South Ossetia. Alana began to study piano at the age of four. Today she is studying at the Central Music School of the P. I. Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory with prof. Daniil Tsvetkov. Alana is a prizewinner of several national competitions. She performs in Great Hall of Central Music School and also she took part in many festivals and masterclasses.