First Round Results (Online Category)
Dear Online participants,
Congratulations to everyone’s wonderful playing and your great achievement. Thank you for your hard work preparing for the Elevato Piano Competition.
We have participants from Finland, China, Japan, USA, Italy, South Korea, Czech Republic, Poland, Taiwan, Ukraine, Canada, Indonesia, Greece, Taiwan, Romania, Italy, and Thailand. We selected participants with scores 90 and up as finalists.Category B had a large number of strong players, therefore there are more finialists in this Category. Participants who passed the first round (Online Category) are as follows:
Caden Chan, Jelica Angelline Zecy Yang, Ashton Huang, Charisse Suen, Anna, Wang , Shiyu Min
Jacob Cai , Yifan Wang, Peter Parra , May Hachiya, Eli Breydo, Karen Matsui,Kwan Ho Wong, Alexander Vollmer, Emma Waite, Wenyi Zhang, FILIPPOS KLAPSINAKIS
KRYSTIAN-BROWALSKA, Laize Song, Maja Cierach
Mao Fujisaki, Celicia Thendean, Henry Tushman, Ella Sumanaseni, Oliver Corro
Huei-Yu Lin, Fergus Kwan, Alessio Lowenthal, Liang Kun
For participants who have not passed this time, the Elevato Competition offers 3 free online lessons of 45 minutes with spanish pianist/jury member: Professor Magi Garcias.
It is first come first serve, for 3 participants.
The lessons will take place on June 1st at 11:00.
(Zoom meeting ID: 838 6825 0779 - Passcode: 470344) (Germany Time)
Signup will open on May 28. On the 28th, please email us, and we will accept the first 3 students who email.
We are looking forward to listening to the finalists.
For winners of final round, you will be invited to the first solo winners concert in Karlovy Vary, August 7th at 18:00, Czech Republic.
We will post further information on the Elevato website and Facebook page.
Final Round Submissions Form (Online Category)
Deadline July 1